Boinc and Vista

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Topic 193908

I just installed my new Vista OS computer. I loaded BOINC and attached to this project. I run the project on my older XP machine at the same time. On checking my results from the Vista box, I find that none completed properly. I also get a message when requesting new work that I have had my quota of two results. Who set that quota? I maintain a cache of 7 days worth on my XP box and I don't seem to be having this problem there.

Am I doing something truly stupid on my new machine? Is it me or is it Vista.

Thanks for your help.
Jack Lass


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Boinc and Vista

OK, the daily work quota a host is allowed to download is a parameter set by the project. When a host 'fails' to complete a task successfully for any reason, it is reduced by one. Once it starts returning successful tasks, the quota is doubled for every 'good' return until the maximum is reached. One thing to keep in mind is that just successfully completing a task and returning it does not mean that you will get credit for it. It also has to pass validation and match up with your wingman for that to happen.

Regarding your Vista problem, where did you tell the BOINC installer to put BOINC? If you had it install to the Program Files directory (the default), try uninstalling and then have the installer give it a location somewhere else. 'C:\BOINC', for example.


Stephen Balch 2
Stephen Balch 2
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RE: I just installed my new


I just installed my new Vista OS computer. I loaded BOINC ...

On checking my results from the Vista box, I find that none completed properly.
maintain a cache of 7 days worth

Am I doing something truly stupid on my new machine? Is it me or is it Vista.


It's Memorex... er, Vista....

I just installed BOINC on my new Toshiba laptop (AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-60) with Vista. Originally, I tried installing BOINC and it's data files in "C:\Program Files\BOINC\" just as I had done with every previous version of BOINC on previous versions of Windows. I had some problems.

I finally uninstalled BOINC, then reinstalled it as a service and let the installer put the data in "C:\ProgramData\BOINC". Runs fine, now.

I haven't looked at your results, I wouldn't know right off what the error code(s) meant, but it seems there is a permissions problem with Vista and programs wanting to update data within "C:\Program Files\" sub-folders, hence the data files located in "C:\ProgramData\BOINC". BTW, "C:\ProgramData\BOINC" is usually hidden from "normal" view.

I installed BOINC as a service so it would run without anyone being logged in. I have an air-card with an unlimited account so I try to keep it connected as much as possible and I want BOINC to run and connect as it needs to. Personally, I would lower my cache to 2, certainly no more than 3, days. You've returned some 47 results, each with an outcome of "Client error". If I was one of your wingmen I might be a little ticked about the delays you've created.

As for doing "something truly stupid", did you mean something other than running Vista? Don't worry. There are a bunch of us making that mistake.



I think there is a document that explains the Windows installation at:
At least it should get you closer.

I The perversity of the universe tends to a maximum.
II If something can go wrong, it will.
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RE: You've returned some 47

Message 84947 in response to message 84946


You've returned some 47 results, each with an outcome of "Client error". If I was one of your wingmen I might be a little ticked about the delays you've created.

As for doing "something truly stupid", did you mean something other than running Vista? Don't worry. There are a bunch of us making that mistake.



I think there is a document that explains the Windows installation at:
At least it should get you closer.

Actually, since jlass has returned and reported the WUs that had client errors, they will be reissued with little or no delay. It's only when a wingman goes MIA without aborting/detaching/reporting his WUs that one should get 'perturbed'. The credit will come in sooner or later.

Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.

Stefan Ver3
Stefan Ver3
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I see your results have exit

I see your results have exit status of 1. Vista is not letting BOINC run properly, since boinc has it's own permissions to the client vs. the user, Vista considers this an attack by hostile software. All O.S.'s from MS post Vista will have this same issue. Now and in the future.
All you need to do is manually to set administrative priviliges to your boinc client program, manager program, and don't forget the shortcuts to boinc.

Should work just fine after that. :D

[edit] P.S. You need more memory as well. :) [/edit]

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RE: I see your results have

Message 84949 in response to message 84948


I see your results have exit status of 1. Vista is not letting BOINC run properly, since boinc has it's own permissions to the client vs. the user, Vista considers this an attack by hostile software. All O.S.'s from MS post Vista will have this same issue. Now and in the future.
All you need to do is manually to set administrative priviliges to your boinc client program, manager program, and don't forget the shortcuts to boinc.

Should work just fine after that. :D

[edit] P.S. You need more memory as well. :) [/edit]

Another option is to tell the BOINC installer to put BOINC files someplace other than folder \Program Files\ (e.g. C:\BOINC\). Then you don't have to give Administrative privileges where they don't need to be.

Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.

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With my first quad core and

With my first quad core and Vista Ultimate (BOINC is telling professional) I had the same problem when shutting down the pc. When the pc kept running the WU’s where crunched properly. I did install it in C:\Program Files\BOINC, and there it still is. I want it there, for my convenience; all my pc’s have the same directory structure.

I did a reinstallation of BOINC to the same direction of the previous installation; whiteout deleting all there was and chooses not to start it automatically. When starting now my pc, I start BOINC manually and then all works fine. I can stop al programs at any time and shut down the pc. When booting another day, I start BOINC manually and the jobs restart, without problems, even after a power cut (and unfortunately I have these quit often) no jobs are lost. Hope this helps you to a solution.

Greetings from

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I have boinc running in

I have boinc running in C:\prog files\boinc and running as a service without any problems at all.

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i have been runnig vista

i have been runnig vista aboute 1 year not had aproblem just up dated to boinc 6
had some fun and games but found it was down to firefox

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