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Richard Osterman
Joined: 24 Feb 05
Posts: 1
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24 Feb 2005 18:02:56 UTC
Topic 187956
I downloaded the program but am unable to find a utillity to install it on my computer. I have an apple e-mac with 10.3.8 system. Is anybody familiar with this problem?
Just open a terminal (found under Programms--> utilities)
Once in Darwin type: gunzip -d YourFileToUnzip.gz and it will start,
The manual from Paul D. Bucks is excellent as well,
> Is it posible to download the program in .sit or .dmg format? Anybody....
Not yet, it's being worked on. For the moment you may try Erics dmg from http://pirates.vassar.edu/download/boinc_4.39_powerpc-apple-darwin.dmg
but this is really work in progress, unofficial and will probably not be compatible with future versions. You will need a somewhat large screen, the auto-open folder (of the alst version I have seen) pops up way down right. Don't complain, but feel free to report problems.
Apple problem
I have the exact same problem. There is no utility on my iMac G4 to decompress the downloaded file....
Is it posible to download the program in .sit or .dmg format? Anybody....
It's a gzip file. Gzip comes
It's a gzip file. Gzip comes with OS-X.
Be lucky,
> Is it posible to download
> Is it posible to download the program in .sit or .dmg format? Anybody....
I'm on Windoze, so I can't tell you what to do myself, but:
A good manual for Boinc is Paul D. Bucks BOINC Powered Projects Documentation and his FAQ therein.
Helped me a lot ;)
Grüße vom Sänger

As Set-Cruncher said, it
As Set-Cruncher said, it comes with the OS.
Just open a terminal (found under Programms--> utilities)
Once in Darwin type: gunzip -d YourFileToUnzip.gz and it will start,
The manual from Paul D. Bucks is excellent as well,
Good Luck,
> Is it posible to download
> Is it posible to download the program in .sit or .dmg format? Anybody....
Not yet, it's being worked on. For the moment you may try Erics dmg from http://pirates.vassar.edu/download/boinc_4.39_powerpc-apple-darwin.dmg
but this is really work in progress, unofficial and will probably not be compatible with future versions. You will need a somewhat large screen, the auto-open folder (of the alst version I have seen) pops up way down right. Don't complain, but feel free to report problems.