New World UFO

  • Total credit: 1,885,637
  • Recent average credit: 1,837.87
  • Country: International
  • Type: Social/political/religious
  • Founder: edmoran
  • New members in last day:
  • Total members: 1
  • Active members: 1
  • Members with credit: 1


It is our view that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations have been regularly visiting the Earth, a subject of study for many extraterrestrial scientists. For humanity, however, disclosure must wait until we stabilize into a sustainable, peaceful civilization. The 21st Century will be humanity's time of transition, and we of New World UFO help in any way we can.


SkyNet POGSMilkyWay@Home


Public Service:

Our Sites - Directory of projects, (sites and teams under dev) - Message Board (under dev) - Google UFO News archive (2012 - date)

New World UFO is a team of volunteers dedicated to promoting boinc and volunteer distributed computing in general, with the aim of fostering citizen science and aiding the scientific and academic community. Boinc is now 15 years in development and is ready grow into the next stage of evolution.

Curious visitors and beginners need a starting point. So we created - a colorful directory of boinc's current projects and a curated listing of active boinc teams.

Social media needs a presence, we have pages on Facebook for a monthly newsletter and Twitter for announcements and other informational messages for new, prospective crunchers. Boinc is open to the public, and we are a brochure and visitor's guide.

Visit our message board and join the fun! It's time to start a community!

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