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The reason this happens is because a large chunk of data is downloaded to your machine, and then "pieces" of it are...
15th October 2005
Any idea why I would occasionally have a WU that had a significantly longer crunch time than the rest? For example, on my...
4th October 2005
Quote:... @ Any-other-lurker If anyone else knows of good easy ways to save cpu cycles then please chime in. If we...
2nd October 2005
C commented on daily quota problem
Adream: At risk of being considered out of order, I'd suggest adjusting your prefs to give SETI some tiime as a backup...
27th September 2005
C commented on what are credits for?
Quote:All my best for science ! ... He said :" Ah ! yes it was boinc, i removed it". I said : "Oh!all i'v done to...
25th September 2005