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I'm running Linux Mint 17.1 and 17.3 on my two machines and both seem ok.  Haven't tried 18 yet though. Do you monitor the...
1st December 2016
That's true. Ok, I've removed my copy of and created a symlink with the same name instead, pointing to...
12th September 2015
Woo-hoo, it works! :-) I tried removing the NVIDIA bits first (using Mint's Software Manager). Apart from now...
11th September 2015
Thanks for the responses, I'll have a careful read through and try to understand it all then have a go at the suggestions...
10th September 2015
Hi, I am trying to get Einstein to run GPU tasks under Linux OS (again). I have an AMD Athlon X2 based PC running Mint...
10th September 2015