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Yes, that is the machine. No invalids yet. I am running two cpu applications concurently to the gpu app. Tournaround is...
29th November 2016
I got my AMD APU A10-7850K to work with Einstein ATI GPU applications on Ubunt 16.04 64 bit. This is what I did: First,...
28th November 2016
Thank you very much for the information. Such openess of whats happening, shows that Einstein is in control of very...
25th March 2016
A BRP6 1.50, Task 487746125, finished on a GTX 980 on Ubuntu 64 bit. Fast run. Seems ok. Bent :-)
4th March 2015
Running one 1.50 at a GTX 680 and one at a GTX 980 Linux 64 bit (Ubuntu). Both seems fine so far. They are running faster...
4th March 2015