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Thanks for that detail. I'll dig out a similar test case then to avoid any red herrings... Update: I found a fresh...
29th January 2019
Update: Ran Peter's test case on a Quadro GV100 (Volta): same FAILURE Ran Peter's test case on a GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (...
29th January 2019
Update: I ran Peter's test case on Linux, switching the app only, and it fails there as well - GOOD! The test on Linux...
28th January 2019
Ok, I presume you guys are longing for any kind of feedback from us so I rather post updates as I/we get them instead of...
28th January 2019
DanNeely wrote:I think having a single moderator on point to send "have you seen this" messages to project staff is...
28th January 2019