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Be careful, though: as mentioned in this thread on "the last few pages", Skylake GPUs (yours) can run the beta tasks, but...
5th September 2016
@Keith: correct, but this doens't tell you anything but the performance at Folding@Home. If you want to know how CPUs...
4th September 2016
ExtraTerrestrial Apes started discussion use HyperQ
Dear Einstein developers, as the new nVidia Pascal generation was reviewed, I stumbled across the fact the ever since...
31st August 2016
Well, everything depends strongly on the code being run. Collatz is a best-case scenario for the iGPU as it hardly needs...
31st August 2016
archae86 wrote:Source? Sounds like a rumor mill number to me.  Nvidia has not been making official release date...
22nd August 2016