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excuse me.. about the throttleing. theres a program there calld throttle...
19th June 2006
allright, im gonna take a stab at this, others can give more detail and analasis. folks that are seeing the message to...
19th June 2006
welp. glad i set no new work when i started getting s5's, heres why. the s4's where takeing under 1.5 hours each thanks...
18th June 2006
so wait a seccond,, since im useing trux, and calibration on for opti,,, it might be a good idea for me to select no new...
16th June 2006
paul milton started discussion trux plus s5
question, im useing trux with calibration on for e@h opti app from akos(did i spell that right? sorry if i didnt) and im...
15th June 2006