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Are there any plans to update the BOINC server software? More recent versions offer some features/info when displaying...
22nd March 2010
Like Jord can't seem to download the new exe and other files... 19-Mar-2010 07:32:25 [Einstein@Home] Started download...
18th March 2010
Quote:I don't think the latest change to prevent this behavior made it into .36, I think you need .37 or later for it...
14th March 2010
MarkJ commented on No nVida GPU
Quote:"2/12/2010 3:35:03 PM Einstein@Home Message from server: Your computer has no NVIDIA GPU" I get this message...
13th February 2010
MarkJ commented on Next ABP generation
Quote:Quote:One bottleneck that we tried to address over there was the MySQL logging. A couple of SSD's were used for...
5th February 2010