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Quote:So far, all my WUs have validated with C37... Good news. Quote:I'm wondering when S38 will be posted for...
19th March 2006
Quote:My question was on your (personal) recomandation. Interesting question. I'm thinking on it... Why do you ask?
19th March 2006
Quote:Do you recomend use C37 or not? This is an unofficial application, so "use at your own risk". C37 uses FPU (...
19th March 2006
Quote:So far I've had 2 failures on one K6-2 with C37, and 1 success on the other K6-2 and a second in progress. The...
19th March 2006
Quote:S38 is ready, test in progress. :) S38 isn't perfect yet. Probably a bug was implemented successfully. :)...
18th March 2006