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Hi Jord, I think I have something off the same. That is what going wrong at my place, after deleting the app_info....
19th October 2009
Hi Kathryn, Thanks for the tip. I looked there and used information to do so. However I don’t understand things about...
19th October 2009
Quote:You are making allowance for the hyperthreading on the i7, aren't you? Yes I am Richard. But I did that...
15th October 2009
I have it closely watched over the past week and the Q6600 with Vista x86 took between 16.000 and 18.000 seconds to...
14th October 2009
TJ started discussion Running E@H under Ubuntu
Hello, I am totally new with Linux but have Ubuntu 9.04 installed as a dual boot on an AMD Phenom to see if Linux is...
13th October 2009