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Thanks Bikeman, That did the trick. It is a bit confusing that einstein@home and albert@home share a lot.
12th February 2012
TJ started discussion Cannot log on to Albert@home
Hello, I made an account yesterday at Albert@home to try ATI cards and used the same password as with Einstein@home as...
11th February 2012
I was seeing a lot of HTTP errors. Indeed I powered on another machine to check but that one is with ATI so only CPU work...
27th January 2012
Hello, I have a finished WU but that can't go from my systems to Einsteins. I got this message: 27/01/2012 12:59:53...
27th January 2012
Indeed new tasks are very very slow in downloading, almost 30 minutes and still ongoing. I have a fiber connection so it...
21st November 2011