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I recently upgraded my daughter's lappy. Having a 100% AMD crunch farm, I decided to play with the Celeron 2ghz I...
5th July 2005
Box 212765 just download the 8 meg file referenced above. Shows eight WU's with drop dead date of the 8th of July. Is...
1st July 2005
history commented on Gun Shy
Bruce; Here's the cleanup report: Box 202106 went daily quota of one at 5pm CDT today, suffering from h1_0078. It has 6+...
28th June 2005
history commented on Gun Shy
John; I am having a lot of grief with your explanation. These rigs are not "erroring out" on anything but the garbage...
28th June 2005
history started discussion Gun Shy
Got the "latest" updates from E@H this evening including the looping download. Killed the app, rebooted, and tried again...
28th June 2005