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I am setting-up my Mum's new, laptop. As it has a cuda supported GPU (9500 NVIDIA laptop) I tried this. But it is only...
4th October 2009
Full Log: Tue 16 Sep 14:42:06 2008||Starting BOINC client version 6.2.18 for x86_64-apple-darwin Tue 16 Sep 14:42:06...
17th September 2008
I am getting this too. Results are uploaded but I am not receiving new units." Wed 17 Sep 07:33:43 2008|Einstein@Home|...
17th September 2008
Yes, Sorry but I spent enough time getting Bionic Manager going. Will quit while I am ahead. The new user and group were a...
11th December 2007
Quote:Quote:* Disconnect the network cable (as a precaution) in case of error in the next step * Install the old...
9th December 2007