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Thanks robl, I did get those but they "show" as BRP5-cuda32-nv301 in my Tasks sheet. I'm hunting BRP6 which one is that...
24th February 2015
Hey Gary, What is the "other name" for the BRP6? Is that Perseus Arm? I don't see it in Einstein Apps nor Prefs "as such"...
24th February 2015
Thank you Gary for Joining in; was hoping you would. Yes I'm still *after it - that is, figuring out how everything...
24th February 2015
Thanks Magic for the Reply and Notes. Yes I *do have a EVGA 750Ti SC 2048 Maxwell NOW; but haven't tested it against...
24th February 2015
A Little Help please? (I did just yesterday upgrade to a GTX 750Ti SC- hoping it will provide better Validations) =Here's...
22nd February 2015