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OFF topicSigned up for DNETC, today and to my surprise, they use CPU WU's and WU's that use 0.05CPU+2(ATI)GPU?! (Means,...
21st October 2010
And I, just swapped a HD 500GB Seagate (SATA 150), with SMART Status BAD, with an 1.5TB Seagate, SATA 300.(Second drive,...
21st October 2010
Clear, that this isn't always the case, when mixing cards: Why gives a host with 2 ATI cards, a 4850 and a 5870, NO...
21st October 2010
Sorry for my, sometimes too often, late reply, but no, no fan on the NorthBridge. And yes PCI-Ex16 (2.0), but uses version...
18th October 2010
When I came home, about 21:00 (UTC+2), saw that BOINC had stopped, mouse didn't respond either and a 'hard' RESET, was...
7th October 2010