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The Guardian article now has the response of the official LIGO spokesperson, Gabriela Gonzalez, to all this (at the end of...
14th January 2016
Thanks for the data point. And indeed the CHIP is a bit fatster. Both can run at 1GHy CLPU clock but the CHIP has a more...
14th January 2016
Quote: I'm assuming that there's no reason to try and calculate fftw wisdom for it because it's already built in? I...
10th January 2016
So my Kickstarter reward C.H.I.P. ARM board has finally arrived and I'm burning it in with some E@H BRP tasks (needless to...
7th January 2016
Hi! It seems the launch was delayed by exactly 24 hours, the site gives the new launch date as...
1st December 2015